Join me this Sunday, November 4, for a free public slide talk about my book, Designing with Palms, at the Gardens at Lake Merritt (Lakeside Park Garden Center), 666 Bellevue Ave., Oakland. Parking is $5 and it's about a 15-minute walk from 19th Street BART.
I'll be speaking at the International Palm Society Northern California Chapter meeting. The gathering starts at 1pm and I will speak at 1:30pm. You'll have a chance afterwards to walk through the Lakeside Palmetum -- with its maturing collection of rare and beautiful palms -- and there will be a potluck.
The meeting ends at 5pm. The Gardens at Lake Merritt include other gardens worth a wander, including the Mediterranean Garden and the Bonsai Garden.
Above is a preview of photos my collaborator Caitlin Atkinson took for the book and for an article I did for Pacific Horticulture.
Event info:
Pacific Horticulture article:…/a-garden-of-exceptionalpalms-palms/